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The Call to Leave the Fallen Churches: God's plan for His faithful people

Writer: Present Truth & Health MinistriesPresent Truth & Health Ministries

Updated: Feb 25

People stand on a path, looking at a bright, dramatic light from the sky through clouds. The mood is awe-inspiring and mystical.

In the book Early Writings by Ellen G. White, there is a profound vision that speaks to the heart of God's plan for His faithful people, especially in the last days. This vision reveals that God will call His honest children out from among the nominal Adventists and fallen churches before the plagues are poured out. As this momentous event approaches, the light of truth will shine in a way that forces a decision—those who are honest in heart will recognize it and take their stand with the remnant. But there's a catch: Satan will do everything in his power to deceive and confuse, trying to convince those who have rejected the truth that God is still with their churches. Let's break down this vision and what it means for us today.

The Call to Come Out

Ellen White’s vision is clear. Before the final judgments fall on the earth, God will reach out to His honest children within the fallen churches, even among nominal Adventists, and call them to come out. These are individuals who may not fully understand the truth but have a sincere desire to follow God. They are in churches that have strayed from the true message, yet they remain faithful, searching for God’s will.

The moment will come when these honest individuals will hear the call of God, and they will joyfully accept the truth. This is a beautiful picture of God’s mercy and grace—He does not abandon His people, even if they are in error. Before the time of judgment, there will be a final opportunity for those who are honest in heart to leave their former associations and stand with the faithful remnant, those who hold fast to the truth.

Satan's Deception

However, this period of truth and awakening will not be without its challenges. Satan is well aware of God’s plan to call out the honest from the fallen churches, and he will stop at nothing to thwart this. Before the "loud cry" of the third angel—the final message of warning—goes out, Satan will stir up an excitement in these religious bodies, hoping to deceive the people into thinking that God is still with them.

This deception will be powerful. Those who have rejected the truth, those who have chosen to remain in the fallen churches, will believe that God is still working within those systems. It will be a time of intense confusion, as people are swayed by emotion and outward appearances. Satan’s goal is to convince people that the false churches are still under God's blessing, preventing them from recognizing the truth when it shines clearly before them.

The Light Will Shine

But despite Satan’s best efforts, the truth will not be hidden forever. The light will shine, and the honest-hearted individuals in these fallen churches will not be able to resist its pull. They will see the error of their ways and will leave these churches, choosing instead to stand with the remnant—the true followers of God who hold fast to the message of salvation and truth.

This will not be an easy decision. It will require courage, conviction, and a willingness to follow God no matter the cost. But those who are honest will not hesitate. Their hearts will be open to the truth, and they will take their stand with God’s people, regardless of the pressure or the persecution they may face.

The Importance of Discernment

This vision is a powerful reminder for us today. We live in a time where many people are caught up in churches that have strayed from the truth, whether intentionally or unknowingly. It can be difficult to know where to stand when confusion and deception abound. But we must remember that God is calling His honest children to separate from these fallen churches and stand with the remnant.

This is not just about leaving a physical church; it is about making a stand for truth. It is about recognizing that God’s truth will always lead us into a closer relationship with Him, and we must have the discernment to follow that truth, no matter where it leads us. The challenge lies in being able to discern the voice of God amidst the noise of deception. Only by staying close to His Word, seeking His guidance, and remaining open to His leading can we make the right choice.

A Message of Hope and God's plan for His faithful people

While the vision of Ellen White speaks of a time of separation and judgment, it is ultimately a message of hope. God is calling His children out of the confusion, out of the deception, and into the truth. He is not leaving us to wander in darkness. The final message, the "loud cry" of the third angel, will be a beacon of light that will illuminate the path for all who are willing to follow.

As we look forward to that day, let us remember that God’s mercy and grace are still extended to us. There is still time to hear the call and make our stand with the remnant. Let us remain faithful to His Word, hold fast to the truth, and trust that, in the end, He will lead us safely home.

Conclusion: Stand with the Remnant

As we face the days ahead, let us be vigilant. Satan’s deceptions will continue, and we must be wise in our understanding of God’s truth. The vision shared by Ellen White is a clear reminder that God is calling His people out of the confusion and into His light. Those who are honest will hear His voice and will join the faithful remnant, standing firm on the foundation of truth.

The call is clear. The question is: Will we answer?


I saw that God has honest children among the nominal Adventists and the fallen churches, and before the plagues shall be poured out, ministers and people will be called out from these churches and will gladly receive the truth. Satan knows this; and before the loud cry of the third angel is given, he raises an excitement in these religious bodies, that those who have rejected the truth may think that God is with them. He hopes to deceive the honest and lead them to think that God is still working for the churches. But the light will shine, and all who are honest will leave the fallen churches, and take their stand with the remnant.

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