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Brother Amos Kaisa

First of all I would like to say thanks to God for entrusting me with the message of the hour,"meat in due season" as well as giving me some means and ways by which this message can be proclaimed to His people.

Am also thankful and grateful to God for PTHM. This ministry is indeed an embodiment of all the biblical truth.

I have been given a message by God to proclaim not only to the Zambian people alone but also to other countries

As a bible worker for PTHM my goal is to turn Zambia upside down with the present truth.

I'm positive and extremely sure Zambia will come to the knowledge of the present truth through the efforts of PTHM and the uplifted saviour will be glorified in the lives of God's people here.

The spirit of prophecy says "laborers are to be qualified rather by the unction of His Spirit than by the training of literary institutions. Men of faith and prayer must be constrained to go forth with holy zeal, declaring the words which God gives them".

Indeed ,Men and woman of faith here are responding to the voice of God through the present truth message.

PTHM in Zambia is currently working on establishing God's people into the message of the hour and ground them into this message as well as equipping them for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ, until we all attain to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the One true God and his beloved son (John 17:3).

Whenever God sends a special message to His people through His servants or messagers that message finds God's people scattered in different places, However, despite them being scattered, God's people are always searched for by God's Himself.

The main focus of PTHM Zambia

Like my statement above, the main focus of PTHM is to illuminate Zambia with the message of the hour, but how do we intend to go about it?

Medical missionary work and book distribution

Book distribution (Great Controversy, Steps to Christ and other articles contain the present truth) as well as medical missionary work (which is the right hand of the third angel's message) is going to accomplish this work in Zambia.

Concerning "medical missionary work" we read the following from the book of Jeremiah

Is there no balm in Gilead; is there no physician there? why then is not the health of the daughter of my people recovered?

Jeremiah 8:22

We see brothers and sisters, God wants His people to be recovered and made whole.

However in order for this restoration of health to occur among God's people "they're must be a balm" (home remedies or natural remedies).

Both the bible and the Spirit of prophecy agree that "It is not a denial of faith to use natural remedies agencies within our reach". We have sanctions of the word of God for the use remedial agencies.

Isaiah 38:21,John 9:7

Following the guidelines from the word of God and the Spirit of prophecy books on the restoration of our health, PTHM is working hard to sensitize people about the importance of health living by obeying the laws of health and this work is underway and soon it will spread to other parts of my continent

Book distribution

PTHM is also dedicated to the distribution of present truth literature such as Great Controversy, Steps to Christ as well as other articles contain the present truth and these articles should be scattered as the leaves of autumn as the inspiration says.

It's my sincerely desire to see most of God's people in Zambia have these copies placed in their hands.

A big thank to brethren in UK for the provisions of present truth books to the people of Zambia. This is very generous donation.

These resources are hugely valuable and will make a significant difference for lots of God's people here. The recipients will be so grateful. Providing us with valuable salvational resources to facilitate our understanding of God's truth is considered to be blessing from above.

The Great Commission for PTHM

PTHM has a mandate of fulfilling the words of Christ.

“Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world.”

Matthew 28:19, 20.

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"Faithfully rooted in Scripture, united in purpose, and committed to living God's truth."

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